Acquired Solid Fundamentals for Navigating the Web Development World

I've been working as a Rails developer for almost 2 years now. It's quite likely that I wouldn't have made it if I hadn't chosen Launch School.

I decided to start learning programming when I was 27. I tried many different resources on the Internet, either paid or free tutorials, but none of them really worked out. I mean, those are really good resources but I never felt I was able to achieve anything or build my own project after finishing those lessons/tutorials. Then I came across Launch School.

I was looking for a systematic and intense curriculum. After browsing through the syllabus of Launch School, I found it offers plentiful contents, not to mention great preparatory lessons and quality digital books. At Launch School, it's not about the languages themselves. It's all about fundamentals and concepts. One of the instructors of Launch School used to tell me that any language or framework can become out of date, and only if you have the solid understanding of the concepts of programming, you would be able to adapt yourself to the web development world.

After a few months learning at Launch School, I felt that I had a much better command of Ruby and JavaScript, and I could start my own projects from scratch. Around that time, I had a chance to apply for an internship as a Rails developer, so I used the projects I built at Launch School (some of them are assignments) as my portfolio. Guess what? I got the offer! I nailed every question I was asked during the interview, and I felt extremely confident. It was all because I had been practicing my interview skills during the assessments at Launch School.

I've been working as a Rails developer for almost 2 years now. It's quite likely that I wouldn't have made it if I didn't choose Launch School. It's definitely one of the best decisions I have made in my life.