
Getting Started

If you're like most people, you've been using the internet for a long time - years, perhaps decades - and typing in those pesky URL addresses at the top of your browser, starting with the letters H, T, T, P, followed by the colon, slash, slash, w, w, w then the domain, over and over and over, yet never knowing or caring to know about what it stood for.

HTTP is at the core of what the web is about, and also at the core of dynamic web applications. Understanding HTTP is central to understanding how modern web applications work and how they're built. This book will cover some basic concepts around HTTP, and you'll have a much better understanding of how the web and web applications work after going through it.

Who Is This Guide For?

We've written this book for those familiar with the internet, but have never built dynamic web applications before. It's meant for people interested in understanding how web applications work. It lays the foundational knowledge to learning more advanced web application development concepts.

How To Read This Guide?

This book does not have many exercises because this book is mostly about concepts. However, please take time to follow along when we present examples — there's no better way to learn than by doing.