Implement a Queue with a Singly Linked List

In this assignment, your goal is to implement a queue using a singly linked list. Once again we'll provide you with some template code to get started. If you need help, you can refer to the walkthrough below.

Problem Description

class ListNode {
  constructor(val = 0, next = null) {
    this.val = val; = next;

class Queue {
  constructor() {
    this.front = null;
    this.back = null;
  peek() {
    // Returns the value of the top most element without removing it.

    // If the queue is empty, it returns `null`.

  enqueue(value) {
    // Adds an item to the queue

  dequeue() {
    // Removes the item from the queue and returns it

    // If the queue is empty, it returns `null`.

const myQueue = new Queue();
console.log('Front element:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element: 1'
console.log('Front element:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element: 1'
console.log('Front element:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element: 1'
console.log('Front element after dequeue:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element after dequeue: 2'
console.log('Front element after dequeue:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element after dequeue: 3'
console.log('Peek on empty queue:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Peek on empty queue: null'
console.log('`back` on empty queue:', myQueue.back);  // logs '`back` on empty queue: null'

Walkthrough & Solution

As you might have already noticed from the template, you'll need to use two pointers to implement a queue using a singly linked list. One pointer will always point to the front of the queue, and the other will point to the back of the queue.

The peek method in a queue is straightforward. It returns the value of the frontmost node or null if the queue is empty.

// some code above

peek() {
  return this.front ? this.front.val : null;

We use a ternary operator for simplicity. If the front element exists, this.front.val is returned; otherwise, it returns null. This can be rewritten with an if statement for clarity:

// some code above

peek() {
  if (this.front) {
    return this.front.val;
  return null;

The enqueue method is more challenging.

  • First, create a new ListNode with the given value.
  • If the queue is empty (no front node), the new node becomes both the front and back of the queue.
  • If the queue is not empty:
    • Link the next property of the current back node to the new node.
    • Update the back to point to the new node.

Assuming we have created a queue, let's see how adding the first 3 elements would look visually:


We start by creating a new ListNode with 1 as the value. Because front is null when our queue is empty, we'll assign both front and back to our new node.


Again, we start by creating our new node, newNode. Now that our list is not empty, we'll assign the next property of the back node (the last node in our queue) to newNode. This puts our new node 'behind' the end of our queue. We finish by assigning back to the new end of our queue.


Adding yet another node follows the same process as the previous call to enqueue. We create a new node, update the next pointer of back, and reassign back to newNode.

// some code above

enqueue(value) {
  const newNode = new ListNode(value);
  if (!this.back) {
    this.front = this.back = newNode;
  } else { = newNode;
    this.back = newNode;

The dequeue method removes and returns the value from the front of the queue, returning null if the queue is empty. If the queue is not empty we should:

  • Store the current front node in a temporary variable.
  • Update the front pointer to point to the next node.
  • If the front is null, also set back to null (the queue is empty now).
  • Return the value of the removed node.

Let's see how this looks visually:


We start by storing the existing front node (with a value of 1) in a variable removedNode. Now that we've saved the removed node, we can reassign front to, effectively deleting the node with value 1 form our queue. Since front references a node, and not null, we can finish by returning the value of our stored removedNode, 1.


This invocation is similar to the previous step. We save a reference to the node with a value of 2, reassign front to (node with value 3) and can return the value of removedNode, 2.


Our last invocation of dequeue takes a bit more work. We can begin as normal, storing the node referenced by front with our removedNode variable. Then we reassign front to, which is null, because our queue only had 1 element. If we were to stop here and return removedNode.val, we would return the correct value, but we would have a problem in that back would still be pointing to our removed node. Since our queue is now empty, back should be referencing null, just like front.

This is where our final check comes in. After reassigning front to, we need to check if this new front is null. This time, it is. We must reassign back to null, and finally we can return removedNode.val.


When trying to dequeue and empty queue, we return null because there's no front node.

// some code above

dequeue() {
  if (!this.front) return null;

  const removedNode = this.front;
  this.front =;
  if (!this.front) {
    this.back = null;
  return removedNode.val;

class ListNode {
  constructor(val = 0, next = null) {
    this.val = val; = next;

class Queue {
  constructor() {
    this.front = null;
    this.back = null;
  peek() {
    return this.front ? this.front.val : null;

  enqueue(value) {
    const newNode = new ListNode(value);
    if (!this.front) {
      this.front = this.back = newNode;
    } else { = newNode;
      this.back = newNode;

  dequeue() {
    if (!this.front) return null;

    const removedNode = this.front;
    this.front =;
    if (!this.front) {
      this.back = null;
    return removedNode.val;

const myQueue = new Queue();
console.log('Front element:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element: 1'
console.log('Front element:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element: 1'
console.log('Front element:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element: 1'
console.log('Front element after dequeue:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element after dequeue: 2'
console.log('Front element after dequeue:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Front element after dequeue: 3'
console.log('Peek on empty queue:', myQueue.peek());  // logs 'Peek on empty queue: null'
console.log('`back` on empty queue:', myQueue.back);  // logs '`back` on empty queue: null'