Proven Track Record of Success
With Launch School's mastery based learning & transparency around Capstone graduates' excellent results, I felt very comfortable joining Launch School & pursuing a software engineering career.
I'm fairly risk adverse when it comes to financial decisions; I was initially hesitant to transition into software engineering. Would I be able to find a job? Would the benefits of starting a software engineering career outweigh the opportunity cost of leaving my previous engineering role? With Launch School's mastery based learning & transparency around Capstone graduates' excellent results, I felt very comfortable joining Launch School & pursuing a software engineering career.
Trusting Launch School's process & curriculum throughout Core and Capstone was essential for me to land a six-figure, career-launching job. All of the fundamental skills mastered in Core and the teamwork exercised in Capstone were vital - they built up confidence in my skills, helping me believe that I am truly a software engineer.
I 100% would not have made the transition to software engineering without Launch School. For anyone looking to transition into a software engineering career, I highly recommend Launch School due to its mastery based learning, exceptional support system, and proven track record of success.